我们提供最适合您的 加拿大旅游保险 ,为您在加拿大的行程保驾护航!




🌎非加拿大居民,基本指的就是探亲旅游人士了。如果在加拿大没有给自己安排 加拿大旅游保险,我们看看万一有什么事情,自掏腰包在加拿大的医院门诊费用:



📌除门诊费用外的其他费用:日间手术(加上住院费)低:3,495 中等:3,495 高:13,160

📌X 射线,各种(加上医院就诊费)$49 及以上







📌各种康复和移动设备 $2 – $240




•病房 – 普通$2,990

•病房 – 重症监护$6,000



🚩这是一份常见的医院费用清单,其他费用可能适用于上面未列出的服务。费用以加元为单位,每年都会发生变化。数据来自渥太华QCH医院,2021年4月1日更新,相信在过去一两年中的高通胀下,目前的价格肯定更高。因此,来加拿大旅游的时候,提前购买好一份 加拿大旅游保险 显得极其重要。


Manulife 加拿大旅游保险 价格

This plan is for visitors to Canada; Canadians or immigrants who are awaiting coverage under a Canadian government health insurance plan or persons who are in Canada on a work visa or Parent and Grandparent Super Visa.

In order to be eligible for travel insurance coverage, the applicant must agree with each statement below:
  • All travellers are not travelling against the advice of a physician;
  • All travellers have not been diagnosed with a terminal illness with less than 2 years to live;
  • All travellers do not have a kidney condition requiring dialysis;
  • All travellers have not used home oxygen in the last twelve (12) months;
  • All travellers have not been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or any other form of dementia;
  • All travellers do not reside in a nursing home, home for the aged, other long term care facility or rehabilitation center;
  • All travellers do not require assistance with activities of daily living (eating, bathing, dressing, using the toilet, changing positions including getting in and out of a bed or chair).

关于Manulife访加探亲 加拿大旅游保险 的英文介绍,可点击这里查阅。或点击这里查看英文简介。如果有旧病,比如心脏病等慢性病,建议购买保旧病的计划,购买前需要回答医疗问题。如果有不清楚的地方,请联系我们

Allianz 加拿大旅游保险 价格


To our valued customers,

As the world of travel continues to change, we have continued to experience higher than average call and claim volumes. This has created challenges in our ability to service you in a timely fashion. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Calling us: Many customers are able to reach us within a reasonable timeframe. Wait times, however, may exceed 30 minutes during peak times. Peak times vary, but are busiest on Mondays and midday during the week.
  • Claims processing: While many customers are receiving claim decisions within 2 weeks, claims processing may take 6 – 8 weeks depending on the unique nature of the claim.

JF 加拿大旅游保险 价格


点击这里查看JF访加探亲 加拿大旅游保险 英文原版

点击这里查看JF访加探亲 加拿大旅游保险 中文简介和价格

JF 陪读家长保险价格


Allianz 留学生保险价格


如果万一发生任何紧急意外,请立即就医。并抽空打电话给保险公司建档 18009951662,如果无法联系上,请拨打4163400049。然后根据保险公司的指示进行下一步的操作。
